Monday, August 25, 2008

Aahhh... the beach!

I just love the beach... the sun, the fresh air, the sand (well, not so much the sand), the roar of the ocean, the striped sky at sunset, the sea birds soaring overhead... children laughing and playing and surfing and swimming and shelling and jumping and digging and sculpting and running and sleeping well!

I have tons of pictures to share of our adventures thus far; unfortunately, hubby's computer is not cooperating right now. Or perhaps Blogger isn't cooperating-- somebody's not cooperating and, as a result, I can't get my photos to upload. So... you'll have to wait until next week when I get back to my trusty Mac. Until then... know that we're having a blast. The sun is shining (though this morning a brief shower passed overhead... oh, how I pray it's raining at home! Mom, keep up the rain dance!!), the kiddos are flying high, and the adults are still sane, even if barely. Hope you all are having a great Monday (hopefully a rainy one for you, Ma); I'll post more soon! Love from us all...

1 comment:

gretchen said...

Hooray for vacation. I wish I was with you!!!! Enjoy and call me when you get back. I can't wait to see your photos!

love you guys - don't forget to wear sunscreen!