Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Note to parent...

Well-check appointments, scheduled with your child's pediatrician, are supposed to occur on or near your child's birthday every year. This way, the doctors get a good idea of how your little ones are growing and developing, and it gives them an opportunity to respond to any of your general questions or concerns.  With that said...

Completely forgetting your child's 4 year-old well-check is not a good idea.  

Yep.  That's right.  It occurred to me yesterday as we drove home from Grandmom and Pop's house-- I completely forgot to arrange a well-check appointment for Big Man 3 months ago after he turned four.  Fortunately, the office had an available appt this morning, and since Chris was home, he volunteered to take our little guy in for his check-up.

Now... this is where my negligence as a parent is completely overshadowed by my Big Man's extreme bravery & courage: 4 shots... no tears... no complaints... no tantrums or terrors.  Just silence and a willing acceptance of his situation (followed, of course, by looks of absolute amazement on both Chris's face and those of the 2 nurses administering said vaccinations).  So. very. cool.

Oh, and on another note-- the doctor tested both Big Man's vision and hearing and learned that he does not have selective hearing. Nope.  He hears just fine.  How 'bout that?!

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