Thursday, April 23, 2009

A true football fan

I'm a bit out of my element today... two of my kiddos are gone all. day. long. and I don't know what to do with myself! This morning Bub & Noh-man rose at the crack of dawn to head into work with Chris-- it's Bring your Kids to Work Day (for ages 8-12)-- and they were very excited... I'm not quite sure, though, if they were anxious to see their daddy's place of employment or of they were just thrilled to get out of school work for the day! Either way, they were up and ready, and just past 7 am (thankfully I was awake!) they called to say hello... on the speaker phone! Evidently, they just had to try it out!

Anyhoo, when Big Man awoke an hour later, he wasn't too pleased with being left behind, so after a bit of cuddling and a few soothing words, I did what any other clever mother might. I offered him a bribe (grin)-- lunch out... his choice... but no more tears (he deserved a treat, too, don't ya think??).

It worked beautifully. So after preschool, we headed to Wendy's and while we ate, we chatted a bit and then settled in to watching all the previews and entertainment clips that streamed across the giant flat screen tv mounted on the wall right next to our table. Big Man loved every second of it, and sat, transfixed... especially when the top 10 NFL plays of 2008 flashed across the screen. Immediately he recognized his favorite teams and began to list them off... "I like the Eagles and the Cowboys and the Redskins and the Cardinal and the Raisins..." I can only imagine he meant the Ravens :)

1 comment:

gretchen said...

I could see how he would associate the Ravens with Raisins... old and wrinkled - just washed up in general --- okay - I'm jaded - they are the former Cleveland Browns. :) Have you looked at your calendar?? :)