Sunday, February 8, 2009

A leisurely afternoon

When the Lord blesses us with a sunny day in the middle of winter-- reaching 68 degrees, no less-- what are we to do? 

 Head outdoors, of course! 

 Here's how we spent our afternoon~

In case you need a close-up~  
yes, those are indeed snow boots (it's never too warm for snow gear!) atop a skateboard and a scooter... the perfect combination!  

Bub & Noh-man raced several times to the bottom of the hill on their bellies~

And once, daddy even gave it a shot!

When Big Man's skateboard needed "repairs," he took care of it all by himself.  It worked much better once he completed his work :)

And in case you didn't already know... little girls like dirt, too :)


Skeller said...

These are TERRIFIC photos - way to get low to the ground to get the exciting perspective!!
Looks like it was a fun afternoon :).

gretchen said...

Nice socks on that baby girl. at least she wasn't eating it - like Sam. I miss you - have I mentioned that lately?

Heather said...

Thank you, Susan-- from you that means a ton!!

jen@odbt said...

It was a beautiful weekend. We spent most of it outside too. Love the pictures of the boys on the skateboards...did that make you nervous? My little girl is a dirt digger too. She has to keep up with her older brother.