For the rest of our stay here in Guangzhou, we'll have a fair bit of free time to spend as we wish. On some days-- a small chunk in the morning hours; on others, an entire afternoon. Today our appointment at the police station (because that's where you apply for a passport) was scheduled for 3:00, so we had the whole morning to spend at our leisure. After another successful Skype session with our crew back home (what a wonderfully awesome treat!!) and a delicious breakfast here at the hotel, the boys worked in a short (pool) practice session and a couple hours with their school books (unfortunately, their online classes are proceeding back home without them; we're hoping not to get too far behind while away). So while they read, Chris and I took our little one for a walk. A lonnnnng walk. Because we needed our little spitfire to take an early afternoon nap, and wearing her out on foot was the best possible guarantee! I took my camera along, because I hope to assemble a book once we get home-- a book filled with faces and places and everything in between so our girl will have a sense of her birthplace. I also made sure to include several pics of the bicycles piled high with goods... just for you, Big Man!

And Grandmom... you were asking about a gift??
I think this girl needs a pair of sunglasses :)
Up tomorrow: our little one's medical appointment with a US doctor.
And our eldest son's quest for a set of "cheap Beats."
Yes! Sunglasses look to be a must. What the heck are "cheap beats"? Looks like Abigail is adjusting well. Pray that this continues. Love all, Gramoggie
Love the pics, Heath! Chris, you are one happy daddy--congratulations!!! Also, we were both so touched by the pics of A's big brothers with her in their second habitat--the pool. SO very proud of those Klipp boys!!! Love from Rob & Les
I definitly thinks she needs her own special pair of glasses! In fact the ones the kids had on during our skyping session were ones L found and said she was giving them to A. I'm sure once N&L see these pictures the new glasses willl be added to our shopping list! I'm not sure what B is looking for, not familiar with that lingo. I've been reading the adoption book next to C's chair----besides all the great pictures you have taken they also suggested a bag of earth, a rock or maybe a pressed flower. One chapter also suggested watermelon is loved by many from her country. love
L&N just came up to see the blog.N was definitely impressed with the bikes! Now I know whar beats are. N looked them up on Amazon for us. Gool luck on your treasure hunt B&N! Love to all !
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