"Rejoice always;
pray without ceasing;
in everything give thanks,
for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
1 Thess 5:16-18
Not always easy to do...
Especially when daddy's away on business.
And the housework threatens to overwhelm.
And sickness overtakes our bodies.
And the sun just doesn't seem to shine.
Yet the beauty through it all...
God-- in all His goodness-- provides.
And day by day, hour by hour, the blessings flow.
So this morning, after one doozy of a week, I offer thanks...
two wonderful grandmoms... who selflessly help, who selflessly give, who selflessly love
Sickness gone. Healthy bodies once again.
daddy home after a week of travel
vibrant yellows, oranges, and reds... as far as the eye can see

well-crafted stories... that captivate, mesmerize, and inspire
one child teaching another... with patience, encouragement, and understanding
devoted mamas, gently leading their young, just as the Father intended

glorious sunshine & cloudless skies after five long days of rain
those five long days of rain and garden-life restored
a family reunion... for Mosby!
8 energetic littermates
+ their very sweet mother
a wonderful play date at the doggy park!

"Is there anything I can help you with, Mom?"
growing bigger every day

"Don't forget to say your prayers," from one tired boy to his brother
new challenges to strengthen & stretch us
new challenges to teach us to depend on the One who made us

I can't wait to see you guys! Love the list. I have tons to share with you!
Love your list!
Love the idea of a doggy reunion - how sweet!
I don't know how you come up with such inspiring words every week! Your pics are great and sweet, too! Glad you are all better and Daddy's back home!!
Thank you for your wonderful pictures and list. That verse was printed for me today.
As always your list made me smile.
I LOVE number 114!!!
Your list is so lovely- the pictures are perfect :)
Great list...beautiful photos! :)
Oh the sun after that long stretch of rain! I'm rejoicing with you. : )
Glad to hear of sickness gone...
What a treasure to scroll through here, honestly.
And I know the traveling husband thing well. But my children aren't as young of course..
Thanks for taking the time to share the things that matter most...
and for such sweet words on my list, you made me smile right throught.
What a precious list - all the more so because you found gratitude even in the difficult moments.
I'm so glad all is well now.
Doggy reunions and growing bigger, delightful.
And delighted to meet you today and share in the multitude of God's Grace.
Joyfully His,
Sarah Dawn
What a beautiful list you've shared today, thank you. Focusing on what we're thankful for always makes the trials seem less trying :) Love #19
Love the lists, the photos and the special cherubs in them! Love to all, Gmom. P.S. Mosby's friends are anxious to see him. They have abag of bones to share!
Oh my...I came by to take a peak at your list of gratitudes...and I'm leaving with conviction.
So many things on your list, I'm blessed with...and yet I didn't think to be thankful:)
Thank you for that.
I'm sure in your next list, you'll include "encouragement right when I need it" n'est-ce pas, Soccer Mom? :)
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