Friday, July 23, 2010

A note to my fellow bakers~

If you DO NOT want a Hiroshima-sized flour cloud suspended throughout your entire just-scrubbed-spotlessly-clean-yesterday kitchen space, and if you DO NOT want to have to RE-clean that same lovely kitchen space... from top to bottom... without delay...

please, please, please be sure to check... and perhaps even recheck... the lid on your grain mill. It must be firmly locked in place.

And that's all I've got to say about that.


60 toes said...

uh-oh. sorry to hear about it. :(

gretchen said...

Oh friend - so discouraging... just last week after I cleaned the boys' room from top to bottom.. dust, vacuum - the whole nine - Sam decides to have a poop fest in there. All I could do was cry... I feel your pain... at least it was only flour and not any bodily fluids - if you know what I mean. :) Love you

Linda said...

Trying really hard not to smile Heather. Just think what a great story this will make when you're sharing memories with the kids!

Jennifer said...

Oh, Heather. Heartbreaking.

Christine said...

That's so discouraging! I'm so sorry!

Laura said...

oh no! - i guess i didn't tell you about the "clouds" i have also created. hopefully you will learn your lesson the first time. me - well - i tend to be a slooowww learner! :( i'm glad you all are loving the bread.

Kellie said...

My mother's day gift this year was a grain mill, and the first time I used it I didn't push the bowl all the way in. So I know exactly what your kitchen must have looked like. : (