As March rushes in, I'm fully reminded of God's grace-full hand...
His constant presence...
His forever love.
As my cup runneth over, I give thanks...
snow-less treetops
"Mom, can we read now?"0387
the generosity of a stranger and the joy it brought to my two littlest people
end-of-winter provisions
a fun game to supplement our studies
a pancake breakfast... made from start to finish by my 9-year old son
a favorite new board game (thanks, Aunt Les!)
family walks around the neighborhood
bumping into (and then worshipping with) some favorite people at church on Sunday morning
59 degrees and sunny on a weekend afternoon
helping hands in the garden
a quiet house
a few spare minutes to wrap up an excellent novel
books... shared
Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures and God's gifts to you. It brings me so much joy to "hear" all of us praising God at the same time on Monday mornings! :)
I love the picture of daddy reading to the kids and dog.
Love the pic of Chris and the kids with the Fergmeister... I really miss you friend. Love the list as always... thankful for second chances and all of the blessings God brings along the way.
Talk to you soon.
0402 DADDY HOME!!!
Love your pictures and your list (as always)! I know you are so looking forward to spring ... it's on its way!!
Hope to get to "chat" real soon! Have a good week!
59 degrees and it!! The picture with dad, kids, and dog is great also.
Sweet list! I love the cozy dog in the reading pic!
the dog is hilarious.. nice pics
So glad the backgammon board is a hit! And, it was SO cool to run into you all on Sunday--what a neat surprise. Love to all!
Great list! Just visiting...
LOVE that family picture and sweet pooch. <3
Love the snapshot of the family! Fergie doesn't look like he's as interested in Big Man's choice of books, the pose is great. Amen on the blessings, they are all around, we just have to open our eyes and look for the "God stops" (as Beth Moore likes to call them). Have a great day, love to all. Time to get out in the yard, Sam just brought me his ball.
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