Monday, January 10, 2011

1000 Gifts: A Sunday ride

Weeks ago... nay, MONTHS ago... before the leaves started falling from the trees,
and before the frigid temps of winter set in,
and before the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season completely derailed
the bulk of my normal routine,
my littlest two enjoyed a Sunday ride (#918).

But now, as I look back at these photos, I can't help but wonder...
where HAS the time gone??

And why... oh, why... is it passing so quickly?

What I would give to slow. it. down.

So I scroll through again. And again. And again.
And I begin to panic.
Because these days are fleeting
and everything within me rebels against that reality.
Why must it be this way???

But then He whispers. And soothes. And comforts. And reminds.

And I pause. And relax. And breathe. And smile.

Because this is the way He planned it.
And His ways are always best.

And with that peace, I give thanks.
Because truly,
I wouldn't want it any other way.

and the list continues...


60 toes said...

I was just thinking this morning, I miss reading Heather's blog and then something popped up.

I hear you on the fleeting time thing. I look through old pictures even from a year or so ago and get almost a tinge depressed. Why little babies are becoming young adults, stop the madness!

Thanks for your encouragement. Yes, his ways are best.

Love you. Maybe the only positive I can think of is when they are all grown up we will actually have a chance to get together again. :)

Meghan said...

I'm so excited to have found your blog and am even more excited about being your latest reader! What a great list! Don't you just love Ann's site and the community she brings? Have a blessed Monday!


Kelly Hallahan said...

these days do fly! so glad you're savoring them!

keep breathing this week!

Melanie said...

They are just PRECIOUS!!!!! Those photos are a treasure.


Skeller said...

these are the sweetest pictures!!!

I love seeing the friendship amongst your kiddos ...

Loni said...

Ohhhh . . .. it does go so fast . . . our oldest is marrying in July . . . our youngest not quite 4 and it seems like my firstborn was just a baby a few years ago. God's best blessings - our children! TREASURE the time!

Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama said...

I have all teenagers this year and find myself asking "how did this happen so fast"? Love your pictures!

Christine said...

What a precious set of pictures, Heather! I'm so glad you went back to post them. I'm completely with you on the time thing... it does go by more quickly every year and I wonder why too. This verse came to mind just now:

Ecc. 3:11 "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end."

I have always loved the part about eternity being placed in our hearts... that explains so much.

Thanks again for the chat today. It did my heart so much good to share with someone on the same page. :)

Love and blessings always,

Linda said...

What an adorable pair! I know the feeling Heather. Do you know, I found some things I had written in high school and one of them was a little essay on the swiftness of passing time. I was a bit surprised that even then I was thinking about such things.
There are lovely things about each season of life. We cannot keep time from moving on, but we can enjoy the moments and know that the Lord has wonderful things in the moments yet to come.

Carrie said...

What a precious memory captured so beautifully!! Great pictures, Heather!! They are so, so cute! I was just telling my mom earlier that I am so sad as I watch my kiddos grow before my very eyes. When they were preschoolers, it seemed like time crawled ... not anymore!!

Love you! Hope you're having a great week!

The dB family said...

I totally hear you about the time thing. I even missed doing my 1000 Gifts this week because of well, LACK of time.

Savour those moments, my friend!
