Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hiding words

It's funny. One year ago I wrote this post after making a decision, a commitment, a choice... to do what's best for me and my house... to hide His Word in my heart, over and over and over again.

So now, after one whole year, I offer my progress report:

I failed.

I started strong, but then... well... deadlines, obligations, play dates, meal plans, swim lessons, exhaustion, exhaustion, exhaustion. I'm certain I could offer every excuse in the book. And not a single one of them would be a lie. But I won't. Because there really is no excuse.

If I had really made it a priority, it would have happened. I would have made the time. I would have made the time. I would have made the time. Period. Just like I do for all the other things that really must get done.

Like my co-op lessons. I would never show up for class unprepared; in fact, I shudder at the thought of it. So why on earth do I choose to show up each morning with the task at hand-- to raise my littles in the nurture and admonition of the Lord-- with a heart that could hold so. much. more. Why do I make time in my day for 20th century historians and presidents and economists... for their words... but not for those of the King of the kings. Are their words more important than His very own? Are accounts of sinful foibles and deceits and exploits more critical than Truth and Light and Bread?

May it never be.

So I think that now, on the almost one-year anniversary of my pledge, I'll try again. This time, however, I'm gonna recruit my little ones to join me. We'll start with a favorite,

"I have hidden your Word in my heart that I might not sin against Thee."
Psalm 119:11

And then I think we'll tack on verses 9 and 10:

"How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to Your word.
I seek You with all my heart; do not let me stray from Your commands."

And from there, I'll let the boys choose a selection or two as they wish, and then I'll fill in the rest. We'll surely add a few of Big Man's AWANA verses to the bunch, and together, we'll hide His Word in our hearts.

Together. Accountable. Responsible. Obedient.

And this time, by His grace, I'll (nay, we'll!) succeed.


The dB family said...

Awesome!! You can do it!! I need to get back to doing memorization again too, for now though, I'm just going to go spend time in the Word. Working through Proverbs again.


Christine said...

Don't you love how God never runs out of second chances? He's smiling at you today, Heather, and cheering you on! You can do it! And thanks for the reminder. We've been slackin' the last two weeks and you're right -- the excuses are just not good enough. Let's keep each other accountable, friend. I certainly could use it.

Carrie said...

That's the verse we started with this year as well! I love your heart and your honesty, Heather!

gretchen said...

Encouragement coming your way friend... Oh how I miss you! Love you! Praying for you-

Kellie said...

I often look at my own inconsistencies with the same frustration. I'm always working on the urgent, so it gets done. But what makes me think God's Word is not urgent or just as important? Thank you for such a thoughtful post.

Linda said...

Oh Heather, this is so convicting. Truly - I could have written it (but not nearly as well). For a while, I carried little index cards with verses on them when I went for my walk, and I learned so many verses. But I have let it slide for a very long time now, putting it off....
You have encouraged me to do better. Time to write out a new card.