Monday, July 20, 2009

Our summer retreat

Aahhh... Cape May.

Charmingly beautiful.
Historically significant
(it's the first seaside resort town in America,
founded by Captain May in 1621;
and it's a popular vacation destination for many past presidents).
And wonderfully fabulous in every single way.

It holds my mom's favorite childhood summer memories,
and now it's one of our favorite places, too.

Thank you, mom & dad, for a wonderful vacation-- we had a blast!


gretchen said...

Your pictures look GREAT! I love the one where your dad is sitting on the bikemobile - right behind the kids - like he's trying to hide. :)

gretchen said...

OH!!! and i LOVE the new pictures to go with your blog title!

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures. What fierce looking young men and what a cute little miss. Love Gramoggie

Heidi said...

That looks like an absolutely lovely vacation!! Your photos are getting better and better. Love the collages and your header, too!

Catherine Finch said...

It was great to see your vacation photos! Everyone looked like they were having a blast. So cute!!! And your photos are all so lovely -- you have a real eye for getting great shots!